Feel free to get in touch by email or through our form, and we’ll be able to assist you.
Contact us
Eden Valley Hospice & Jigsaw
Durdar Road
Carlisle CA2 4SD, England
Our reception team are on hand to answer your enquiries between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Any calls outside of these times will be diverted through to our Adult In-Patient Unit.
For patient-related information or any other confidential information please email:
To email the hospice with a general enquiry – which does not include patient or other confidential information – please contact communications@edenvalleyhospice.org.
To contact a member of the fundraising team, email fundraising@edenvalleyhospice.org or go to our meet the team page.
Please contact:
Jonny Irving, Marketing & Engagement Manager on 07500043135 or email jonny.irving@edenvalleyhospice.org
Stephanie Lacaille-Burton, Head of Income Generation & Marketing on 01228 817616 or email stephanie.lacaille-burton@edenvalleyhospice.org
To enquire about a student placement or work experience, please email peopleservices@edenvalleyhospice.org
How to find us
You can find us in Durdar Road, Carlisle, CA2 4SD or on Google Maps.
When can I visit?
Visiting arrangements and other useful information for family and friends.
Comments & Compliments
We always welcome feedback about our services, whether positive or negative. It helps us develop our care by maintaining where we excel and improving where necessary.
Contact us form
Send us your query and we’ll come back to you as soon as we can.
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Our regular newsletters contain all the info you need on what’s going on at the hospice and how you can support us